Monday, November 5, 2012

Homework & Vocabulary November 6-26

Homework November 6-26:

Due Tuesday, November 6
·         Read and annotate p.431-442
·         Complete Prewriting Activities, #2, p.442, #4, p.443
·         Complete Pre-Reading Journal Entry p.444

Due Thursday, November 8
·         Read “Beyond the Pleasure Principle” p.444
·         Answer Questions for Close Reading #1-4 p.446
·         Answer Questions about the Writer´s Craft #1,4 p.446
·         Writing Assignment #5, p.448

Due Friday, November 9
·         Read “Who´s a Pirate? In Court, A Duel over Definitions” p.449
·         Answer Questions for Close Reading #1-4, p.453
·         Questions about Writer´s Craft ALL p.454

Vocabulary List for Quiz November 9
     arbiter- a judge who decides a disputed issue
     vindicated- freed from blame
     indolent- lazy
     florid- describing flowery or elaborate speech
     ebullience- intense enthusiasm
     superfluous- extra; unnecessary
     auspicious- favorable; promising
     clandestine- secretive
     disingenuous- not straightforward; crafty
     inveterate- long established; deep-rooted; habitual
     dilettante-  one with an amateurish or superficial understanding of a field of knowledge
     equanimity- the quality of being clam and even-tempered; composure
     pejorative- describing words or phrases that belittle or speak negatively of someone
     deleterious- having a harmful effect; injurious
     prosaic- unimaginative; dull

Due Monday, November 12
·         Blog Post # 16

Due Monday, November 26
·         Read “Life As Type A” p.455
·         Answer Questions for Close Reading #1-4, p.459
·         Answer Questions About the Writer´s Craft #1,3,4 p.459
·         Read “The Cute Factor” p.461
·         Answer Questions for Close Reading #1-4 p.466
·         Answer Writing Assignments Using Definition as  a Pattern of Development #1 p.466
·         Read “The Handicap of Definition” p.468
·         Answer ALL Questions for Close Reading p.470
·         Essay #3, p.471
·         Definition Essay- p.472 TYPED/MLA  DUE at the end of the day Monday, November 26
·         FULL practice exam, three essays + multiple choice
·         Blog Post #17

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