Sunday, October 14, 2012

Homework and Vocabulary October 15-19

DUE Tuesday, October 16
·         Read “Workers” p.361
·         Questions for Close Reading ALL p.366
·         Essay, #4 p.367

DUE Thursday, October 18
·         Read “Beauty and the Beast” p.368
·         Answer Questions for Close Reading #1-4 p.370
·         Answer Questions About the Writer’s Craft #2-4 p.370
·         Read “The Prisoner’s Dilemma” p. 372
·         Answer Questions for Close Reading #1-4, p.376-377
·         Answer Questions About the Writer’s Craft #4, p.377
·         Study for Vocabulary Quiz Friday

DUE Friday, October 19
·         Rough draft of Comparison-Contrast Essay, p.379, handwritten, double-spaced

DUE Monday, October 20
·         Final draft of Comparison-Contrast Essay, typed due at 3:30.
·         Blog Post #13
Vocabulary: Quiz Friday, October 19
·         exculpate- to free from guilt or blame
·         despotic- exercising absolute power; tyrannical
·         imperious- arrogantly domineering or overbearing
·         insipid- uninteresting; unchallenging
·         torpor- laziness; inactivity; dullness
·         ostentatious- describing a showing or pretentious display
·         spurious- not genuine
·         coup- a brilliantly executed plan
·         capricious- impulsive or unpredictable
·         tenuous- having little substance or strength; shaky; unsure, weak
·         obdurate- stubborn; inflexible
·         dogmatic- stubbornly adhering to unproved beliefs  
·         facetious- playfully humorous
·         aesthetic- having to do with the appreciation of beauty
·         eclectic- made up of a variety of sources or styles

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