Monday, August 6, 2012

Vocabulary for Quiz August 10

Vocabulary – Quiz August 10

Write out the definition:
·         Logos- an appeal to reason and logic.
·         Ethos- an appeal to speaker´s credibility
·         Pathos- an appeal to the emotions, values, or desires of the audience

Fill in the balnk:
·         Hyperbole- an overstatement or exaggeration it is the use of figurative language that significantly exaggerates the facts for effect. In many instances, but certainly not all, hyperbole is employed for comic effect. EXAMPLE- “My backpack weighs a ton!"

·         Simile- comparision between two unlike objects, in which the two parts are connected with a term such as like or as. EXAMPLE- “She is like a rose.”

·         Metaphor- a simile without a connecting term such as like or as.
EXAMPLE- “The birds are black arrows flying across the sky.”

·         Oxymoron- an apparent contradiction of terms. EXAMPLE- “That was a seriously funny joke.”

·         Pun – a play on words. In general, a pun either plays on the multiple meanings of a word or replaces one word with another that is similar in sound but very different in meaning. Puns are almost always used for comic effect.
EXAMPLE- “He had a difficult time bouncing back from his bungee cord accident.”

·        Metonymy -the use of figurative language in which characteristics are substituted for the things in which they are associated.
EXAMPLE- “The United States will be delivering the new product to us very soon.”

·         Aphorism- a concise, pithy statement of an opinion or a general truth
 EXAMPLE- “Many hands make light work.”

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