Sunday, August 19, 2012

Homework and Vocabulary August 20-24

Homework- August 20-24, 27

Due Tuesday, August 21
·         Read Chapter 4, p. 126-145
·         Complete ALL  Questions for Close Reading on “Fourth of July” p. 143
·         Questions About the Writers Craft #3, 4, p. 144
Due Wednesday, August 22
·         No class, double evens ( even though I will not be collecting this until Thursday, it would be a good idea to break up the homework between two nights. ).
·         Read “Shooting an Elephant” p. 146
·         Complete ALL Questions for Close Reading p. 152
·         Questions about the Writers Craft #1,4, p. 152

Due Thursday, August 23
·         Read “Someone’s Mother” p. 154
·         Complete ALL Questions for Close Reading p.156
·         Questions about the Writers Craft # 2,4, p. 156
·         Read “Salvation” p. 158
·         Complete ALL Questions for Close Reading p. 160
·         Write an essay,  #3 , p.161
Due Friday, August 24
·         Write a narrative essay. Pick a topic from p. 173 - Handwritten DOUBLE SPACED
·         Study for vocabulary quiz
Due Monday, August 27
·         Final draft for the narrative essay. Typed, MLA- due at the end of the school day on Monday. Peer reviewed rough draft attached.
·         Blog Post #6

Vocabulary- August 20-24

ASYNDETON- The omission of conjunctions between related clauses.
Ex: "This is the villain among you who deceived you, who cheated you, who meant to betray you completely." (Aristotle)

POLYSYNDETON- Repetition of conjunctions in close succession.
Ex: "We have ships and men and money and stores."

SYLLOGISM- Logical reasoning from inarguable premises.
Ex. If Johnny is eating sweets every day, he is placing himself at risk for diabetes. Johnny does not eat sweats everyday. Therefore Johnny is not placing himself at risk for diabetes.

ALLUSION is a short, informal reference to a famous person or event.
Ex. “You must borrow me Gargantua's mouth first. 'Tis a word too great for any mouth of this age's size.” –Shakespeare

Pleonasm: using more words than required to express an idea; being redundant.
Ex. “The vote was completely and totally unanimous.” (A unanimous vote cannot be anything but complete and total.)

Exemplum: Figure of amplification using an example, brief or extended, real or fictitious, to illustrate a point; an example. Examples can be introduced by the obvious choice of "For example," but there are other possibilities. For quick introductions, such as those attached to a sentence, you migiht use "such as," or "for instance." Examples placed into separate sentences can be introduced by "A case in point," "An instance," "A typical situation,"  "A common example," "To illustrate, let's consider the situation," and so forth.

Ex. "All this stuff you've heard about America not wanting to fight, wanting to stay out of the war, is a lot of horse dung. Americans, traditionally, love to fight. All real Americans love the sting of battle. When you were kids, you all admired the champion marble shooter, the fastest runner, the big league ball players, the toughest boxers. Americans love a winner and will not tolerate a loser. Americans play to win all the time. Now, I wouldn't give a hoot in hell for a man who lost and laughed." – George C. Scott

Metanoia (correctio) qualifies a statement by recalling it (or part of it) and expressing it in a better, milder, or stronger way. A negative is often used to do the recalling.

Ex. “The chief thing to look for in impact sockets is hardness; no, not so much hardness as resistance to shock and shattering.

Anacoluthon: finishing a sentence with a different grammatical structure from that with which it began.

Ex. Be careful with these two devices because improperly used they can--well, I have cautioned you enough.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Homework & Vocabulary August 13-17

Homework – August 14-17,20

DUE Tuesday, August 14
·         Read and annotate Ch. 3, p. 73-86
·         Read and annotate “Sister Flowers” p. 87, answer  ALL Questions for Close Reading, p. 92,  #2, 4 of Questions About the Writer’s Craft, p. 93

DUE Wednesday, August 15
·         Read and annotate “Flavio’s Home” p. 95
·         Answer ALL Questions for Close Reading p. 101
·         Complete writing assignment #1 OR #2 (your choice) on page 102, handwritten

DUE Thursday, August 16
·         Read and annotate “Bloggers Without Borders” p. 111
·         Answer ALL Questions for Close Reading,  p. 114
·         Read and annotate “A Partial Remembrance of a Puerto Rican Childhood” p. 117
·         Answer ALL Questions for Close Reading, p. 122
DUE Friday, August 17
·         Write a descriptive essay, chose a topic from p. 124, 1-20, handwritten
·         Study for vocabulary quiz

DUE Monday, August 20
·         Final draft of descriptive essay, typed and printed- Due at the end of the school day.
·         Blog post #4

Vocabulary- Quiz August 17
DON’T FORGET- The quiz may contain questions over vocabulary learned from previous weeks.

CHIASMUS - Repetition of ideas in inverted order. Sometimes called reverse parallelism. Example: "I had a teacher I liked who used to say good fiction's job was to comfort the disturbed and disturb the comfortable." (David Foster Wallace)

PARALLELISM- Also referred to as parallel construction or parallel structure, this term comes from Greek roots meaning “beside one another.” It refers to the grammatical or rhetorical framing of words, phrases, sentences, or paragraphs to give structural similarity. This can involve, but is not limited to, repetition of a grammatical element such as a preposition or verbal phrase. Example: “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of believe, it was the epoch of incredulity....” (Charles Dickens)

ZEUGMA - When a word is used with two adjacent words in the same construction, but only makes literal sense with one of them. Example: "He carried a strobe light and the responsibility for the lives of his men." (Tim O'Brien)

CLICHE: A trite expression--often a figure of speech whose effectiveness has been worn out through overuse and excessive familiarity. Example: “What goes around comes around”

SARCASM: is defined in The Oxford Universal Dictionary, published in 1933, as "a sharp, bitter, or cutting expression or remark; a bitter gibe or taunt." More contemporary definitions often emphasize the false, mocking praise and verbal irony of sarcasm rather than its malicious or scornful intent. Example: I refuse to engage in an intellectual battle with an unarmed man.

EUPHEMISM: A word or words that are used to avoid employing an unpleasant or offensive term. Example: “My grandpa unexpectedly passed away yesterday” (use of “passed away” instead of “died”)

MALAPROPISM: the unintentional use of a word that resembles the word intended but that has a very different meaning. Example: “He’s a wolf in cheap clothing” (using “cheap” instead of “sheep”).

PERSONIFICATION: The figurative device in which inanimate objects or concepts are given human qualities. Example: “The flowers were crying for my attention.”

Monday, August 6, 2012

Vocabulary for Quiz August 10

Vocabulary – Quiz August 10

Write out the definition:
·         Logos- an appeal to reason and logic.
·         Ethos- an appeal to speaker´s credibility
·         Pathos- an appeal to the emotions, values, or desires of the audience

Fill in the balnk:
·         Hyperbole- an overstatement or exaggeration it is the use of figurative language that significantly exaggerates the facts for effect. In many instances, but certainly not all, hyperbole is employed for comic effect. EXAMPLE- “My backpack weighs a ton!"

·         Simile- comparision between two unlike objects, in which the two parts are connected with a term such as like or as. EXAMPLE- “She is like a rose.”

·         Metaphor- a simile without a connecting term such as like or as.
EXAMPLE- “The birds are black arrows flying across the sky.”

·         Oxymoron- an apparent contradiction of terms. EXAMPLE- “That was a seriously funny joke.”

·         Pun – a play on words. In general, a pun either plays on the multiple meanings of a word or replaces one word with another that is similar in sound but very different in meaning. Puns are almost always used for comic effect.
EXAMPLE- “He had a difficult time bouncing back from his bungee cord accident.”

·        Metonymy -the use of figurative language in which characteristics are substituted for the things in which they are associated.
EXAMPLE- “The United States will be delivering the new product to us very soon.”

·         Aphorism- a concise, pithy statement of an opinion or a general truth
 EXAMPLE- “Many hands make light work.”

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Homework August 7-10, 13

DUE Tuesday, August 7th
--Read & annotate Ch. 2, pg. 13-40
-Complete # 1, 2 on p. 27 IB (IB=IN BOOK)
-Complete #1, on p. 31 IB, Do not need to do the last part –thesis, purpose, audience, tone
-Complete #1, p.38 IB
-Complete #4 on p. 39, EMAIL THIS TO ME,

DUE Wednesday, August 8th
-No homework due, double EVENS

DUE Thursday, August 9th
-Read & annotate Ch. 2 pg. 40-71
-Review #3 on p. 46, revise original paragraph
-Complete #1, p. 60, first draft, typed MLA format- DUE at the end of the day on Thursday
-Prepare for the quiz

DUE Friday, August 10th
-No homework due
-Vocabulary quiz 1

DUE Monday, August 13th
--Blog Post #4
-Final Draft TYPED, MLA format with original paragraph and peer reviewed 1st draft– DUE at the end of the day on Friday
-CHECK Edline and come to class with your percentage on MONDAY.